Leadership Community Events

2019 v2.jpg

What people said about our 2019 community events

Inspiring facilitator
I have learnt more in the last 2 hours than I have in ages
Interactive activities were brilliant & really helped me think differently
Good opportunity to meet people from different industries
Chance to reflect & discuss our feelings, thoughts & behaviours at a distance in consideration of a real like situation
The session was brilliant as usual & everytime led differently
Particularly LOVE the elephants as an ‘easy’ way to introduce topics
Good participation & energy - really well organised
Great to meet diverse of people, lots of discussion & sharing ideas, tools to takeaway that I can see working for us
It was brilliant to use dialogue & six step process to develop ideas together in a time efficient collaborative way
Really active workshop, with loads of participation, facilitated really well, with a great balance of high quality info, opportunity for everyone to participate & reflection time
Great content & amazing how much we covered given the time available - really rich
Brilliant to have practical takeaways
Great to have a safe space when we could talk about similar experiences
Really enjoyable & thought provoking event
WOW - a very collaborative event. Really empathetic & not salesy!
Yet another inspirational event
Helped me figure out how to handle a situation thats made me feel frustrated @ work

Would you like to hold one of these events within your organisation?