Creating the organisational culture you desire

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines culture as being:

the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time
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Culture is not one solid object. Nor is it static. It is a complex system of inter-connected pieces that are constantly evolving and changing. A living, breathing organism that will grow, develop and change all of the time.


Our question to you is:

“is your current company culture growing, developing and changing in a way that is right for your organisation, which will engage your employees (partners, suppliers and volunteers) and equip it for the future?”


Your organisational (or team) culture will be underpinned by component parts such as behaviours, ways of working, systems and processes, governance, decision making and information flow


We have designed a simple step-by-step process that we will guide you through that enables you to identify:

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  • all of the component parts that create the culture within your organisation (those that are visible and those that are invisible).

  • which are helping and supporting you create the culture that you desire and which are getting in the way

  • a prioritised approach to fostering growth in the areas that are having a positive impact and changing those that are having a negative impact.

Client testimonial

thanks for managing the workshop so expertly, it’s great to know that we are in safe hands when discussing and working through some difficult issues

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