Here are a sample of quotes from participants of past programmes
“I have realised that I used to ‘flip-flop’ between different styles and approaches. Never a considered approach, just random; which must have confused everyone I work with! Now I am able to stand back and take a far more considered approach”
“I have benefited massively from the support, guidance and validation from my group”
“I now feel excited about my future. To be honest - I haven’t felt that way in years”
“After many years of leading my team we are now having the first open, honest and unfiltered conversations together. This programme has given me the courage to ask the questions that we have all been avoiding for years”
“A very valuable experience and one I would recommend to anyone in a leadership role”
“This programme was phenomenally incredible and just what I needed ”
Typically participants come from a range of different industries within the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. You can see the types of roles that past participants have held here
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