Leading with Credibility March 2020
Information Pack
A leadership development programme that is built for you.
The Leading with Credibility programme is unique; unlike many others we do not take a ‘pre-written off the shelf’ programme and deliver it to you. Our content is focused on the challenges that we know leaders face; and then adapted to meet the needs of you and the rest of your group.
The programme is based around six 1-day modules. Each module will contain a range of different approaches that are designed to encourage you to provoke your thinking and to shape your own personal leadership style.
We do not use a traditional classroom approach and so, whilst we do include leadership theories and models, much of your time will be spent exploring, questioning, playing with different approaches and (most importantly) testing them against the reality of your day-job and your organisation.
Our aim is to take you out of your comfort zone, stretch and inspire you
- all within a safe and nurturing environment.
Each group contains a maximum of 12 participants to ensure that everyone has the space and opportunity to try things out, speak and be listened to and to build supportive relationships with each other.
Leading with Credibility is called an ‘open programme’ which means that it isn’t exclusive for one particular company or industry. Part of the uniqueness of the programme is that it quite literally is ‘open’ to a range of different leaders from different organisations, industries and backgrounds. That means that you will benefit from working with a small group of business professionals who won’t necessary think like you do! They will bring along their own personal thinking and way of looking at leadership which may well challenge your own thinking. It is very likely that you will be experiencing the same types of challenges - just looking at them through a different lens.
Booking onto the programme is quick and easy - just send an email to hello@theleadershipschool.co.uk with your name, job title, organisation and email address and we will be in touch.
How the programme is structured.
The programme includes the following elements and participants are required to commit to all of them:
• A pre-programme telephone briefing
• A Myers-Briggs Type Indicator report (if you are not familiar with MBTI then take a look at the FAQ section to find out more)
• Confidential 121 accountability call (held with a member of your group) or coaching call (held with a qualified Leadership School coach)
• Practical coursework to complete between modules
• Six 1-day workshops that run over a period of five months:
Module 1 Tuesday 24 March 2020 My Leadership Brand
includes time for you to start getting to know the rest of your group and we will look at what your Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) tells you about your preferred leadership style and how you may come across to others. You will get chance to explore what your personal brand (or reputation) currently is and how closely that matches with what you want your brand to say about you. We will also start looking at what you want and need around you to be able to perform at your best as a leader.
Module 2 Wednesday 25 March 2020 Leader as coach
provides the opportunity for you to consider how you can unlock the potential of those around you using a coaching approach, what coaching is (and what it isn’t!) and how you can develop your coaching skills to form part of your leadership toolkit.
Module 3 Tuesday 12 May 2020 Head and Heart
provides the opportunity to identify your own personal values and beliefs and how they underpin your preferred leadership style. We will look at how you can adapt your style to meet the needs of different individuals and situations and how to accurately read and interpret each one.
Module 4 Wednesday 08 July 2020 Walking and Talking
is all about relationships! Our focus here is on building trust-based relationships so that you can engage and motivate others (who may be your colleagues, your team, your line manager, the Board, your customers, your suppliers or even your family!). We take a look at the range of different stakeholders you interact with and how to vary your communication style to connect with each of them.
Module 5 Tuesday 08 September 2020 Proof and Pudding
gives us chance to look at how you deliver the things that are most important to you, how you develop your own personal resilience to keep going when times are tough and how you can build a high-performing team around you.
Module 6 Wednesday 21 October 2020 Setting myself up for the future
is the point at which we look forward to ensure that you have everything that you need to continue to develop yourself as a credible leader, be able to make robust decisions and be confident in your own ability to deal with life’s oranges and lemons!
Get in touch with us;
W: theleadershipschool.co.uk E: hello@theleadershipschool.co.uk T: 0117 251 0155
What’s the investment?
Joining the 2020 programme will cost £3,995 (+ VAT) per person.
Book by Friday 13 December 2019 to be eligible for the Early-Bird discounted rate of
£3,495 (+ VAT) per person.
If you are based in the West of England it maybe possibly to access a grant towards the cost of the programme.
Please click here to find out more.
The programme facilitators you will work with.
The programme is designed and delivered by a small team of qualified coaches and facilitators -all of whom have worked within their area of specialism for many years and who are passionate about the world of leadership!
This includes:
The Leadership School facilitators who will deliver the majority of the programme. They will work closely with you, form trust-based relationships and invite you to consider a range of leadership theories and models and to test them against your own perceptions, beliefs and experiences. Their role is to create and hold a safe space in which you can explore new concepts, bounce ideas around, challenge your own thinking (and the thinking of those around you) and generally have some fun whilst learning more about yourself, your own leadership style and how you may impact those around you. Click here to meet the team
Visiting guest facilitators who may join us for a couple of hours to deliver a specific session. Our guest facilitators vary from programme to programme and will be influenced by what you tell us you want and need. In the past our guest facilitators have included an actress who taught us more about physical presence and how that can impact on our ability to be a great leader, and a nutritionist who taught us about how we can build our personal resilience as a leader through our diet and the quality of our sleep.
Who the programme is for.
The programme is designed for middle to senior managers so you are likely to be:
• A senior leader or director in a small organisation
• Or a function head in a medium to large organisation
• Or a director or founding member of your own organisation
You will be a business professional who leads a team (either directly or indirectly) and who is curious about how to develop your leadership skills. You are likely to be keen to get on and want to be a step ahead of the others.
Where the programme will be held.
We host the Leading with Credibility programme at the fabulous Leigh Court which is a lovely Grade II listed building, set in its own grounds, on the outskirts of Bristol.
Frequently Asked Questions
I can see that the programme is based at a Bristol venue - does that mean that the participants are all Bristol based?
Absolutely not! So far we have had participants join the programme from South Wales, North Wales, the Midlands and South Yorkshire.
I have been on Leadership Development programmes in the past - so I am not sure how much more I can learn. Is it really worth me signing up?
Leadership is an ever-changing topic and what we do at The Leadership School is share latest thinking and research with you. If you are open to learn and develop then we believe it is always worth signing up - but then we would say that wouldn’t we?! This is what one of our 2018 participants shared with us:
“To be honest I wasn’t so sure about the programme and when my line manager told me that he had put me forward for it I thought - what am I really going to learn that I don’t already know? I had covered leadership development in a previous role, with a different company and I wasn’t convinced that this would be a good use of my time. How wrong I was! Now that I have competed the programme I can honestly say that I have been blown away by how much I have learnt, and I now feel so much more confident with my own leadership style.”
Is the programme based on a specific leadership theory or model?
The programme pulls on a range of different approaches – all of which are grounded in academic or scientific theory and have been proven to work in today’s reality of leading people in complex, modern-day organisations. This includes the work of:
Nancy Kline: Time to Think - “The quality of everything that we do depends on the quality of thinking we do first”
Steve Radcliffe: Leadership Plain and Simple - “Leadership isn't complicated – keep it simple and make it count”
Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence - “Why it can matter more than IQ”
David Rock: Your Brain at Work - “Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter”
Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective people - “Powerful lessons in personal change”
How do I know if this programme is right for me?
We all develop our leadership abilities at a different pace and in a different way. If you want to know if this is the right programme for you, and if now is the right time for you, then please give us a call and we will happily chat it through.
My organisation doesn’t support this type of development or doesn’t have a budget? Is it ok if I self-fund the programme myself?
We fully appreciate that some organisations are not able to support this type of a programme and so we welcome any individual who is self-committed to their own personal leadership development and who would like to fund it themselves.
My organisation does have a budget that I can access but our budget cycle doesn’t fit in with the timing of the programme - is there any way around this?
We understand that every organisation has its own planning and budgeting process and we are happy to be flexible (where possible) to accommodate this.
Please give us a call and we can chat it through.
I am not familiar with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - what is it and how does it work?
Myers-Briggs is a tool that looks at what your preferences are a leader. The report is created based on your responses to a set of questions - where there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ response. You will be sent a link to complete the questionnaire on-line and we will walk through the reports together during module one. We will then use this tool throughout the programme to explore the insight that it gives us when we are making decisions, communicating with others and how our MBTI preferences can influence our personal leadership style.
Are you available to talk to us more about the programme?
Yes! If you would like Sharon to talk through the programme in a bit more detail, the results that our participants have seen and to answer your specific questions then please drop us an email or give us a call and we will be happy to schedule that in.
How do I book onto the programme?
Booking onto the programme is quick and easy - just send an email to hello@theleadershipschool.co.uk with your name, job title, organisation and email address and we will be in touch with the necessary paperwork
But - what about x, y or z?
We have tried to answer some of the more frequently asked questions and we know that this list will not be exhaustive! Please send an email to hello@theleadershipschool.co.uk to share the other thoughts or questions that you may have in your mind.
We promise you that:
• We will get back to you as soon as we can and that we will share our honest thoughts with you
• We won’t secretly add you to a mailing list that means you will get bombarded by emails or annoying sales calls!