What needs to be in place for coaching to be successful?


 1. Commitment; coaching is not always an easy process and it requires commitment from both yourself and from your coach! Commitment means preparing for each coaching session, protecting your diary time for the sessions, being fully present in your coaching sessions and following through on any actions you have decided to take.

2. Honesty; the conversations that you have in your coaching sessions and the areas that you explore will require you to share your thoughts and feelings honestly – with yourself and with your coach. Equally your coach will be honest with you – sharing their thoughts about what they are noticing and challenging you to stretch your thinking.

3. Purpose; before your coaching begins it will be useful to have a think about why you want coaching and what you want to achieve. Your coach will be able to help you explore this further and it can help shape the sessions and where you would like to target your thinking

All of these elements can be achieved through telephone, visual or ‘in person’ coaching sessions. Different people have different preferences so have a think about which you might find most suitable. We will be happy to chat to you about the benefits that each can provide so give us a call or drop us an email.